Technology and COVID

In ‘Boosting Attainment with Tech‘, Al Kingsley discusses multiple examples of how technology has changed many lives over the course of COVID-19. Whether it be students waking up for zoom class or future job requirements, almost all walks of life were impacted when society had to restructure itself to remain productive while staying safe.

“Digital literacy and computer skills are frequently cited by employers as the most in-demand skills in the workforce – a trend that shows no sign of slowing.”

Al Kingsley – Boosting Attainment with Tech

This is one of the most important things, in my eyes, as previous generations get older, and newer generations come in. Almost every industry you can think of runs off of technology now, and in some aspect of every job you will be interacting with it. Those that don’t get with the trend or refuse to learn are becoming burdens on the company that given the choice between someone qualified and digitally literate, will be left in the dust.

How well does this translate to our students though?

Al Kingsley states that with the help of tools like EdPuzzle, we are able to track students development and lesson retention better than ever. Which especially was key in the pandemic.

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