Tag: technology skills

  • HyperDocs

    By Adalie Clothier When I first heard the word ”HyperDocs” in regards to this assignment, I thought I had no idea what it was. While reading about them, I started to realize that my teachers and professors have been using these all throughout my 14 years of schooling! I remember being a little kid and…

  • Accessibility Tools

    The seven most helpful tools that I found are: assistive technology (AT), visor reading, speech-to-text, closed captioning, keyboard shortcuts, reading progress, limiting distractions, and printer friendly. Assistive technology is great not only for students with disabilities but also for students who need some extra help with note taking in class. Speech-to-text is helpful when a…

  • Exploring Accessibility Tools

    Google Calendar- This tool is used to create schedules and upcoming events all in one place. This allows the user to stay organized by seeing all future events with ease. This is a great tool to help anyone ensure they are completing all of their responsibilities and requirements. Closed Captioning on Google Slides- This tool…

  • Virtual Zoo Elephant Camera

    By Adalie Clothier For my virtual field trip, I chose the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institutes webcam, specifically the elephant cam. Elephants have always been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. Being in Galloway, the closest zoo is the Cape May Zoo, and they don’t have elephants there, so…

  • Communication in the Classroom

    Communication is key, right? We usually associate this advice with personal relationships, but it really is part of the entire world around us. The reading our class did this week from “Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education” was on the second chapter. This chapter focused on communication tools that Microsoft provides and ways that…

  • Microsoft Translator

    Microsoft Translator is a great tool for teachers around the globe. This tool lets teachers have real-time conversations with people who don’t speak the same language. Microsoft Translator also creates subtitles, captioning, and live transcripts for people who are hard of hearing, deaf, or speak a different language. Microsoft Translator is also a great tool…

  • Using Microsoft Sway

    What is Microsoft Sway? Microsoft Sway is a design application, much like Power Point and Slides, but a more uniquely multifaceted tool. According to “Sail the 7Cs” Microsoft’s education textbook, “One of Sway’s features that stands out to us is the linear fluidity. There aren’t sections broken up by slides, content presented in pieces, or…

  • Tech Blog Post 3

    Sheila Godfrey The tool that I chose to discuss is called Discovery Education. This web tool enables educators to take their students on virtual field trips. I chose this tool, because I think it is important for students to be able to explore and learn about our world, near and far. I also feel that…

  • Classroom to Classroom through Technology

    Topic:Global School Network What I found use full about Global School Networking is it opens a lot of opportunities for child to work at their on own pace that they need and get equal education that they need.Also students can make new friends and learn about different cultures , and also it will help expand…

  • Using Teen Screen to Educate

    Film Pittsburgh is Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s independent film production company that has created several Academy Award-winning films, amongst receiving other high honor accolades. They pride themselves on their Teen Screen program, a free screening feature that educators can use either in theaters or in their intimate classrooms.  Available films are about sensitive topics like Antisemitism, gun…