Tag: Technology Integration

  • Stem Learning

    The Interactive Simulation, PhEt has become a well-known online simulation used for science and math. Students all over the world are using PhEt. It is home to 160 stimulations for children to use. This has been especially helpful during COVID restrictions not letting students attend school in person. Even children in Ukraine are using PhEt…

  • Teaching Students Internet Responsibility

    This article argues that teaching children internet responsibility at a young age will help limit their screen time and improve cyber safety. The nonprofit organization Common Sense Media promotes to children the concerns of how much time is spent on the internet and what they do while using it. Educators argue that waiting to teach…

  • 3 tips to balance the back-to-analog edtech transition

    After the age of Covid, where the classroom became completely virtual, schools are struggling to keep the technical strides that have been made, while balancing the Pre-COVID educational norms. In this twitter article “Three tips to balance the back to analog Edtech transition”, shared by @ImFutureReady (EDTECH@UTRGV), And Published in ESchool News, EDTECH goes over…

  • Making Students Comfortable Sharing With Technology

    Within the article, “How to Use Edtech to Engage Introverted Learners” Stacy Roshan, discusses the issue regarding losing the voices of introverts within a classroom setting. Some students may fear being called on in class or avoid participating due to fear of embarrassment or shyness. This leads to a percentage of students’ voices being left…

  • We Have Promises To Keep

    Education Cannot Wait is the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies. Since 2017, ECW has reached 7 million children and adolescents averaging 48.4% being girls. Because of Covid-19, ECW has funded $388.6 million to expand and support these programs and has reached 3.7 million adolescents across 32 crisis- impacted countries in 2021 alone.…

  • Educational Technology

    Professional learning communities, also known as PLC’s help educators share their journey and input in the teaching world. These communities also are a place where teachers can help other teachers grow if they are struggling. PLC’s tend to meet the teacher where they are at in their professional career instead of jumping ahead. They allow…