Tag: Global Learning

  • Key to Blended Learning

    By Adalie Clothier Blended Learning involves different learning styles and ways to retain and whole-heartedly understand content. When going through school, there were often times when I would get stuck on something and would be too afraid to speak up and ask for help. Working in small groups or with a partner, I would be…

  • Collaboration Is Important!

    Collaborate is when working together to find the missing “Puzzle” piece or bring your ideas together and making something great .It is important in the education aspect to do as much collaborating as you can their are so many different tools for educators and students to use to bring everyone together and learn . Their…

  • 3 tips to balance the back-to-analog edtech transition

    After the age of Covid, where the classroom became completely virtual, schools are struggling to keep the technical strides that have been made, while balancing the Pre-COVID educational norms. In this twitter article “Three tips to balance the back to analog Edtech transition”, shared by @ImFutureReady (EDTECH@UTRGV), And Published in ESchool News, EDTECH goes over…

  • Making Students Comfortable Sharing With Technology

    Within the article, “How to Use Edtech to Engage Introverted Learners” Stacy Roshan, discusses the issue regarding losing the voices of introverts within a classroom setting. Some students may fear being called on in class or avoid participating due to fear of embarrassment or shyness. This leads to a percentage of students’ voices being left…

  • Using Technology to Engage Introverted Students

    Many student perspectives are lost due to the fact that not every student participates in class. Some students may be afraid to share their answers or they get anxious about getting an answer wrong in front of their peers, but this does not mean that the student’s ideas should be valued less than those who…

  • Educational Technology: The Lingua Connect Method

    “The Lingua Connect method is simple and effective.” The article that I found on Twitter directly explains what the Lingua Connect method is and how it is beneficial to learners. Lingua Connect uses educational technology to develop a child’s English language learning. There are live lessons and short homework tasks to help the student study…