Tag: Global Learning

  • Virtual Zoo Elephant Camera

    By Adalie Clothier For my virtual field trip, I chose the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institutes webcam, specifically the elephant cam. Elephants have always been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. Being in Galloway, the closest zoo is the Cape May Zoo, and they don’t have elephants there, so…

  • Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

    The Smithsonian National Musuem of Natural History was a place I have always wanted to visit and being able to virtually explore it offers a way for me to do something I haven’t had the chance to. One of the first tools I appreciated was the ability to use the map in the top right…

  • Smithsonian National Museum of National History Virtual Tour

    The Virtual Tour that I chose was the Smithsonian National Museum of National History. The reason I chose this Tour was because I have learned about this Museum before and it is so interesting to me. The Smithsonian Museum is the World’s Largest Museum. The Museum educates its visitors on the natural world and its…

  • A French Short Film

    For our post this week I chose a short film I found on Youtube. This film was titled “Just Friends” and was a quick story about a woman who finds out her childhood love is staying at a hotel in Paris. She employs her best friend to help her reach him, but this friend takes…

  • Extra

    Extra is a Spanish comedy show with English and Spanish subtitles. The show has a comedic “Friends” vibe to it and centers around two girls, Lola and Ana who share an apartment in Spain. They have a downstairs neighbor that they interact with, Pablo who is also a main cast member. In the episode I…

  • Cultural comparisons for “A Silent Voice”

    I watched a movie, “A Silent Voice”, and thought about cultural comparisons when watching it. The movie was an anime, so it was much different than movies I had seen before. It was animated but it dealt with some heavy topics. The movie touched on bullying, discrimination, and suicide, which are unfortunately also issues that…

  • TV Show with English Subtitles

    The show that I watched is, “Wind in the Face” which is a Russian TV Series. One of the cultural aspects of this TV series is the language. The language within this show is Russian. Another cultural aspect of this TV series is its architecture. The buildings are made of stone and brick and they…

  • Educational Blog Post 4-Communication

    Sheila Godfrey We live in a unique and diverse world, and teachers should be mindful of this in their classroom. One way to make a classroom more inclusive for both students and parents, would be to use the Microsoft Translator for Education site. This site provides free resources and tools for teachers, parents and students.…

  • Using Microsoft Sway

    What is Microsoft Sway? Microsoft Sway is a design application, much like Power Point and Slides, but a more uniquely multifaceted tool. According to “Sail the 7Cs” Microsoft’s education textbook, “One of Sway’s features that stands out to us is the linear fluidity. There aren’t sections broken up by slides, content presented in pieces, or…

  • Communicating using Flipgrid

    After reading Chapter 2 (Communicators) within the “Sail the 7 Cs” Textbook, something that I learned and found not only interesting but also very beneficial would be communicating through a tool called Flipgrid. Flipgrid is a tool where educators and students can communicate with one another through videos. I found Flipgrid to be such a…