Tag: Educational Technology

  • Holiday Game Hyperdoc

    By Alex Sellitsch Since I am already in the holiday spirit, I found an awesome Hyperdoc game board that allows students to click the various links around the game board. Students will learn about Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and viewing holiday traditions by using Google Earth. These are just a few of the interactive activities within this…

  • Biology Hyperdoc

    Hyperdocs… what an awesome tool to engage students in their own learning. I was able to find a Hyperdoc related to Animal Cells, a key topic in Biology. I found this Hyperdoc on hyperdocs.co, which is actually a website that allows you to make a copy of Hyperdocs created and uploaded by teachers from all…

  • Hyperdoc in Google

    What is a Hyperdoc? A hyperdoc can be described as lesson plan that is completely online. A hyperdoc gives a teacher a place to educate students without being face-to-face. Both teachers and students have access to hyperdocs as well. Personally, I feel that hyperdocs are very benefical for both teachers and students. It is an…

  • Virtual Zoo Elephant Camera

    By Adalie Clothier For my virtual field trip, I chose the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institutes webcam, specifically the elephant cam. Elephants have always been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. Being in Galloway, the closest zoo is the Cape May Zoo, and they don’t have elephants there, so…

  • 9/11 Tribute Museum

    After taking this virtual field trip, I realized how many people didn’t fully understand what had happened on September 11, 2001. The museum is a non-profit building that explains what had happened on this date, and has pictures and pieces of some things that have been destroyed during the event. This museum is at risk…

  • Blog Post 7 – Virtual Field Trip

    Sheila Godfrey Like so many others, I have read The Diary of Anne Frank a few times during my years as a student. While reading, I would imagine what the annex looked liked, and today I was actually able to see the annex on a virtual field trip. The virtual field trip that I chose…

  • Virtual Field trip to the Smithsonian

    This week I took a virtual field trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. I chose this field trip because I have been to the Smithsonian many times so I felt that this would give me a good idea of the differences between a virtual and real field trip (aside from one being…

  • Virtual Field Trip to the Smithsonian

    In this week’s work, I have taken a trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Well, this was not your typical trip. This was a virtual field trip! You can take a walk through this museum as well with this link. This famous museum was amazing to tour, even just online. Through the link…

  • The San Diego Zoo Live Cams

    By: Alex Sellitsch For this weeks virtual field trip, I decided to pack my bags and fly to San Diego, CA (but not really). I was able to get comfy in my bed without the hassle of traveling, and watch from home the animals that live in the San Diego Zoo. There were a lot…

  • Smithsonian National Museum of National History Virtual Tour

    The Virtual Tour that I chose was the Smithsonian National Museum of National History. The reason I chose this Tour was because I have learned about this Museum before and it is so interesting to me. The Smithsonian Museum is the World’s Largest Museum. The Museum educates its visitors on the natural world and its…