Tag: Education Technology

  • WE Virtual Learning Center

    WE is a wonderful website I got to visit in another assignment a few weeks ago for my Web Tools course. I found the work that the organization did to be noble and inspiring, so I am glad to revisit it. This side of the organization I had yet to visit though, so it is…

  • Lost Years

    By Alex Sellitsch The show I decided to watch on YouTube was called “Lost Years”, a Turkish Soap Opera. The scenery in this episode was beautiful, and had a lot of similarities and differences to our own landmarks here in America. First, there were two characters walking along the beach. It seemed to resemble the…

  • Microsoft Translator

    Microsoft Translator is a great tool for teachers around the globe. This tool lets teachers have real-time conversations with people who don’t speak the same language. Microsoft Translator also creates subtitles, captioning, and live transcripts for people who are hard of hearing, deaf, or speak a different language. Microsoft Translator is also a great tool…

  • Using Microsoft Sway

    What is Microsoft Sway? Microsoft Sway is a design application, much like Power Point and Slides, but a more uniquely multifaceted tool. According to “Sail the 7Cs” Microsoft’s education textbook, “One of Sway’s features that stands out to us is the linear fluidity. There aren’t sections broken up by slides, content presented in pieces, or…

  • Human Rights in the Classroom

    Going into education, I plan to teach in high school classrooms. During their high school years students are forming their identity and questioning their purposes or motivations. Much of their work is seen as pointless, tedious, and uninteresting to them. To add something to the monotony of schoolwork, I would love to incorporate lessons on…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    There is so much importance in students having the opportunity to collaborate within the classroom. It allows them to bounce ideas off one another and understand other people’s perspectives. Students can work together to find the best solutions to problems. Working in groups on projects also allows students to talk to people they don’t normally…

  • Minecraft: Education Edition

    During this collaboration unit, I have read about Minecraft. Numerous students in this class have also recommended Minecraft to be used in classrooms to support collaboration with others. Minecraft: Education Edition is a page on Twitter that hosts an educational Minecraft game where students can enhance STEM skills, unleash creativity and engage students in collaboration…

  • Teaching Students Internet Responsibility

    This article argues that teaching children internet responsibility at a young age will help limit their screen time and improve cyber safety. The nonprofit organization Common Sense Media promotes to children the concerns of how much time is spent on the internet and what they do while using it. Educators argue that waiting to teach…

  • Making Students Comfortable Sharing With Technology

    Within the article, “How to Use Edtech to Engage Introverted Learners” Stacy Roshan, discusses the issue regarding losing the voices of introverts within a classroom setting. Some students may fear being called on in class or avoid participating due to fear of embarrassment or shyness. This leads to a percentage of students’ voices being left…

  • Ten EdTech Apps

    The article I chose from Twitter was about different educational technology that could help a classroom. In the article, there were websites that I’m familiar with like Wakelet and Canva, but there were a ton that I’ve never used in school before. One website is called book creator. Sometimes I feel like students don’t fully…