Category: Uncategorized

  • 7 Accessibility Tools to use:

    After researching different accessibility tools online, it amazed me how many there actually are between Chrome and even device settings. The first accessibility tool that I frequently use, is closed captions on YouTube. I watch closed captions with everything I watch, even though I don’t necessarily need them. I comprehend more when I read what…

  • 7 Helpful Accessibility Tools

    By: Gianna Gras. November 28, 2022 There are many accessibility tools out there that can help us with everyday tasks in the classroom. Here are seven that I think are the most helpful. Assistive Technology: Assistive technology (AT) is available for students with a disability that need hardware, software, or equipment to improve their functional…

  • Helpful Accessibility Tools

    This week, one of the tools I focused on was Stockton’s Assistive Technology website. This site is meant for helping Stockton students with disabilities that need hardware and software. This tool helps students with a language barrier or speaking, hard of hearing, etc. I feel this site is so important to have at any school in order…

  • Accessibility in the Classroom

    The technology that we have available to us today is changing the landscape of how education functions. Now, students have many different tools at their disposal they can use to improve their educational outcomes and improve themselves as learners. In this blog will be a list and important information about many useful tools students can…

  • The Power of Scholastic Tools

    Duolingo has helped me personally in life learning the language and nuance of France. It is an excellent tool to observe, learn, and ultimately identify a new language and foster it in a simplistic yet inclusive way. Although one lacks the acts of human interaction with the new language speaker and real life speaking practice,…

  • Accessibility Tools

    The seven most helpful tools that I found are: assistive technology (AT), visor reading, speech-to-text, closed captioning, keyboard shortcuts, reading progress, limiting distractions, and printer friendly. Assistive technology is great not only for students with disabilities but also for students who need some extra help with note taking in class. Speech-to-text is helpful when a…

  • Accessibility Tools

    Read Aloud is a free open-source extension on chrome that does just what its name says, it reads text out loud. This helps children and adults with dyslexia and other learning disabilities to read. It can read text from numerous sources such as PDF, Docs, Kindle, and more. You can also change the voice, speed,…

  • Accessibility Tools Available for Stockton Students

    Tool #1:  The first tool that I will share is called Speechify.  This tool allows you to turn any type of text into something that you can listen to instead of read.  It could be used to help you stay focused while reading along with what you are hearing.  It could also be used to…

  • Accessibility Tools

    By Amanda Connelly For our blog post #8, we had to investigate seven different accessibility tools that would help students who have accessibility needs. Since I am a college student who attends Stockton, I thought it would be a good idea to explore the accessibility tools Stockton University offers to their large student body. Accessibility…

  • 7 Accessibility Tools For Every Classroom

    #1. JAWS Screen Reader – JAWS is an acronym meaning Job Access With Speech. This technology is a program that is meant to make it easier for visually impaired or blind people to read the screen. This tool will read the screen with text-to-speech audio or use a Braille display. #2. ZoomText – ZoomText is…