Category: Uncategorized

  • WE Virtual Learning: Combating Racism in the Classroom is a virtual learning guideline for teachers. This website gives the tools for teachers to go up against many different tough obstacles such as, after COVID learning, Diversity and Inclusion, Youth Violence, and so much more. As a student myself, I am enrolled in a Racism and Medicine class here at Stockton University. This…

  • WE Teachers: Bullying Module

    By Amanda Connelly For my blog post, I decided to focus on the Bullying Module offered by WE Teachers. Although the website offered many helpful resources, the resource surrounding bullying stuck out to me the most. Bullying is a huge problem in schools and I feel that schools and teachers must do much more to…

  • WE Inclusion

    When exploring the WE Schools website, I found a lesson plan that I could use in my future classroom.  This lesson plan discusses what an inclusive classroom might look like.  Having an inclusive classroom benefits everyone.  It allows everyone to have full participation in the classroom.  Everyone should strive towards making our world more inclusive. …

  • Week 13: WE Diversity

    By: Gianna Gras Something I think is important to have in a classroom is diversity and inclusion. However, even though this is a good thing that should be in all classrooms, sometimes that is not the case or teachers do not know how to handle it. So, to be prepared for my classroom, I took…

  • Trauma-Informed Practice

    After visiting the WE Virtual Learning , the Trauma-Informed Practice tab quickly caught my eye. I believe that having teachers that are trained in trauma responses is one of the most important traits a school can have. Mental health is one of the most overlooked illnesses throughout schools. IEPs and any other type of learning…

  • WE Virtual Learning Center

    WE is a wonderful website I got to visit in another assignment a few weeks ago for my Web Tools course. I found the work that the organization did to be noble and inspiring, so I am glad to revisit it. This side of the organization I had yet to visit though, so it is…

  • WE Virtual Learning Center on Well-Being~By:Emily Faragher

    As someone going to college for a bachelor’s in psychology with a concentration in elementary education, I believe it is important to teach students about mental health and ways to cope at an early age. I looked at the “WE Well-being Grades K-3” pdf and was inspired by the way they approached this topic. They recommend…

  • WE Virtual Learning

    I found WE Well-being to be the most intriguing module on the WE Virtual Learning Center website. Well-being is essential for a happy life and is a concept and practice that should be introduced to children at an early age. The program contains practices that will help young students handle the stress and anxiety that…

  • Changemakers

    The WE Virtual Learning Center offers a variety of resources for teachers and students. During my exploration of the website, I found a series of lesson plans titled Act Today for a Bright Future. I was drawn to these lessons in particular because they aligned with my Global Goal Project: Sustainable Cities and Communities. In…

  • WE Virtual Learning Center – Mental Health

    WE Virtual Learning Center is a library of free resources that are meant to bolster your educational experiences. After exploring each of the vast resources I discovered a topic that’s very important to me and has an affect on individuals and others. Mental health is a topic that has been becoming talked about more and…