Category: Uncategorized

  • Finding your students voice

    When searching on twitter for an article relating to educational technology, I stumbled upon this twitter thread posted by a primary teacher, Mr. Blair Minchin. Although it’s not an article, it was a really touching story and really shows the importance of digital technology in the classroom.  Mr.Minchin was teaching a writing portion of class,…

  • Culture of Healing in the Classroom

    Culture, agency, transactional or transformative relationships, meaning, and aspirations are five ways that classrooms can develop a culture of healing. COVID did not help teachers and students in any way since 2020. Using these strategies can get classrooms back on track to how things used to be and let everyone heal as a whole. Celebrating…

  • Are College Students Digital Experts?

    In the article, Teaching ‘Digital Native’ College Students Who Understand TikTok- But Not Microsoft Excel, it shines a light on how college students may come across as internet savvy, but realistically many struggle with basic tech skills, such as using Microsoft Excel. The article discusses that although college students have the title of, “digital natives,”…

  • Technology Trends in Education

    As the world is changing so is our school system and if Covid-19 has taught us anything it is that we need to be prepared. As I read in the ET article depicting current trends in educational technology some may have surprised you others certainly will not. The clear cut number one was certainly E-learning…

  • Exercise to Learn

    First Blog by: Sheila Godfrey. September 18, 2022. The focus of this article is that adding exercise movements to reading lessons can help with learning, and it can help fidgety children with their concentration. This all began in a classroom with a group of active children who struggled to not mentally check out during lessons.…

  • Making Students Comfortable Sharing With Technology

    Within the article, “How to Use Edtech to Engage Introverted Learners” Stacy Roshan, discusses the issue regarding losing the voices of introverts within a classroom setting. Some students may fear being called on in class or avoid participating due to fear of embarrassment or shyness. This leads to a percentage of students’ voices being left…

  • The Modern College Student Easily Navigates Social Media, Yet Struggles With Educational Programs

    As a student of the digital age, I find myself struggling with this problem myself. Most students now have grown up with access to technology both at home and in the classroom. However, how this technology has been implemented varies widely across schools. This article addresses how common it is for the modern student to…

  • We Have Promises To Keep

    Education Cannot Wait is the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies. Since 2017, ECW has reached 7 million children and adolescents averaging 48.4% being girls. Because of Covid-19, ECW has funded $388.6 million to expand and support these programs and has reached 3.7 million adolescents across 32 crisis- impacted countries in 2021 alone.…

  • Students Need to be Taught Technology Even in the Digital Age

    Students of all ages have access to more technology than they ever have before.  It allows students to communicate more with their families, friends, and schools.  Students have so much information at their fingertips.  However, having all this access to technology doesn’t mean that they know how to use it effectively all of the time. …

  • Ten EdTech Apps

    The article I chose from Twitter was about different educational technology that could help a classroom. In the article, there were websites that I’m familiar with like Wakelet and Canva, but there were a ton that I’ve never used in school before. One website is called book creator. Sometimes I feel like students don’t fully…