Category: Uncategorized

  • Stem Learning

    The Interactive Simulation, PhEt has become a well-known online simulation used for science and math. Students all over the world are using PhEt. It is home to 160 stimulations for children to use. This has been especially helpful during COVID restrictions not letting students attend school in person. Even children in Ukraine are using PhEt…

  • What is Cyberbullying?

    The article I found on twitter is called What is Cyberbullying?  I find this so important because children spend so much time online that bullying online is something that can happen often. This kind of bullying can happen anytime, not just during school. It is harder to see sometimes because they may get bullied while…

  • Students Struggle With Digital Tools

    Students are often very well-versed in social media apps, but may still struggle with using tech applications that would be used in a classroom setting. Some students take computer classes in grade school, while other middle and high schools may not provide that opportunity. By the time students get to college, they may not be…

  • Learning Styles

    Researchers are starting to notice that the best type of learning is when teachers incorporate different learning styles. It allows these students to remain engaged, and makes it easier to manage the classroom

  • A New Global Tech Readiness Index

    First Blog by: Gianna Gras. September 19, 2022 I found an article dealing with global collaboration, and in this article it talks about what might a new global edtech readiness index look like. In this article they touched on ways in which we can help with digital learning. The first point they touch on is…

  • Visual Based Learning

    In an article on, studies find that a higher percentage of kids are starting prefer to use Social Media App Tik Tok instead of google. Tik Tok has recently become the most visited site on the internet, and as according to the article 40% of people age 18-24 are using Tik Tok. A sentiment…

  • Teaching Students Internet Responsibility

    This article argues that teaching children internet responsibility at a young age will help limit their screen time and improve cyber safety. The nonprofit organization Common Sense Media promotes to children the concerns of how much time is spent on the internet and what they do while using it. Educators argue that waiting to teach…

  • Teachers Influence In Edtech

    Within the article, When It Comes to Edtech, How Much Influence Do Teachers Have?, it explains all the different ways a teacher could make the edtech experience better or more difficult. The article references how school was during the covid pandemic and how school was fully online. Wondering how global edtech companies kept everything running…

  • 3 tips to balance the back-to-analog edtech transition

    After the age of Covid, where the classroom became completely virtual, schools are struggling to keep the technical strides that have been made, while balancing the Pre-COVID educational norms. In this twitter article “Three tips to balance the back to analog Edtech transition”, shared by @ImFutureReady (EDTECH@UTRGV), And Published in ESchool News, EDTECH goes over…

  • Using Data To Make Education More Equitable

    The pandemic changed many things, from how we pay for stuff at stores to the frequency that we see amazon prime delivery trucks pass by but some thing it did do was open our eyes to some of the flaws in the current education structure. COVID-19 highlighted just how important technology would be to education…