Category: Uncategorized

  • Using Collaboration in the Classroom!

  • Key to Blended Learning

    By Adalie Clothier Blended Learning involves different learning styles and ways to retain and whole-heartedly understand content. When going through school, there were often times when I would get stuck on something and would be too afraid to speak up and ask for help. Working in small groups or with a partner, I would be…

  • Getting the Most Out of Teacher Collaboration

    Collaboration is a foundation of success in a school building. Collaboration between administrators, teachers, and students is equally important. In this article, author Ben Johnson discusses the importance of teacher collaboration as well as how to get the most out of teacher collaboration. The first piece of advice that Johnson gives us when it comes…

  • Collaboration Is Important!

    Collaborate is when working together to find the missing “Puzzle” piece or bring your ideas together and making something great .It is important in the education aspect to do as much collaborating as you can their are so many different tools for educators and students to use to bring everyone together and learn . Their…

  • Why We Collaborate

    Collaboration happens every day for different reasons. Whether it’s students in a classroom or colleagues at a workplace, people come together to create new ideas. In the reading for this week, we were able to read of amazing educators coming from all over the world in an effort to engage their students in the classroom.…

  • Importance Of Collaboration

    Collaboration is apart of life. Collaboration can be found in the classroom, when students have to work together on group projects/assignments. Collaboration can be found in many fields of work, when coworkers have to team up to tackle a specific task. Collaboration can also be found in normal everyday life, for example playing on a…

  • Collaboration: Partnering With Colleagues, Families, and Caregivers to Promote Student Success

    The Collaboration article that I found discussed not only what collaboration is, but also why it can be so important and beneficial for everyone. Collaboration can be described as an important tool that people from all over the world can do. Collaboration is very inclusive because it involves everyone. It can create a safe space…

  • Collaboration

    From what I read it seems that teachers are coming together and working towards creating an environment where their students have every opportunity to create a better future for themselves. One of the tweets from Anica said that she had worked with the scientix community and the teachers involved with it. In the tweet, she…

  • Stress on the Body

    What stress does to your body! Many share the opinion that stress is a common in everyday life, and hard to avoid. For instance, stress is customary among college students due to acedemic pressure such as exams, assignments, and obataining a job after graduation. However, many people including college students may not know the effects…

  • Collaboration

    collaboration depends on a team, without a team there is no collaboration. When working together, everyone should pull their own weight and not just one person. Collaborating can be beneficial to every person involved. By doing so, you are adding on to your own thoughts and ideas and gaining others perspectives. When working together, you…