Category: Uncategorized

  • Collaborating in the Classroom

    Promoting collaboration in the classroom is an important way of getting students to interact with each other. A direct instructional approach is beneficial when learning new content, but taking that information and letting students come together and talk about it is important as well. One method to student collaboration is think-pair-share. Teachers can give a…

  • Minecraft: Education Edition

    During this collaboration unit, I have read about Minecraft. Numerous students in this class have also recommended Minecraft to be used in classrooms to support collaboration with others. Minecraft: Education Edition is a page on Twitter that hosts an educational Minecraft game where students can enhance STEM skills, unleash creativity and engage students in collaboration…

  • Benefits of a Collaborative Classroom

    Within a classroom there are plenty of different methods to teaching. However, one method and implementation that can benefit students is collaboration. The use of collaboration provides students time to discuss their ideas, thoughts and opinions with others. Collaboration with provide students with the skills and techniques of working with others and preform a task…

  • Collaboration

    Communication is a major skill to have in today’s educational world. Without being able to talk to others, not a lot of learning would happen. Remote learning was a major system all schools around the world had to use. If it weren’t for some apps such as; Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc. school would not…

  • Fostering Successful Collaboration

    “I would rather work on my own,” is a statement I have thought a countless amount of times in the classroom as a student. However, going into education in college has opened my eyes to how different forms of collaboration are beneficial for both students and teachers. Below I have included a video of a…

  • Collaboration

    Collaboration is extremely important for everyone in the world. Whether it be in school, work, or other places where it’s needed. When collaborating, students are able to use their different ideas and perspectives to learn more and grow as an individual. Listening to different peers speak about their different point of view, it opens up…

  • Blended Learning

    Blended learning has become more popular after COVID. It includes small groups, collaborative, individual, and online learning. Online learning is a way to have a specific lesson plan for each student. Some students learn better while being on a computer. Small group learning is teacher-led but a small group or class in the room learning.…

  • Why Collaboration is Important

    Collaborating in class helps students brainstorm ideas and improves the way they work together, but the best part about collaborating with others is that those ideas that you thought were impossible to do by yourself actually come to life with the help of others. Collaboration is important because students can learn from each other and…

  • Smoking and Tobacco Use

  • Minecraft Partners with the Hispanic Heritage foundation

    Minecraft Education edition has collaborated with the Hispanic Heritage foundation to create Latinexplorers: A Hispanic Heritage Journey. By now, as current or future educators, we are all aware of the power of the new Minecraft education world. It’s hard to deny that something as simple as a poplar game can have such an effect on…