Category: Uncategorized

  • Global Education Tool

    Meaning Behind My Tool: I chose the tool of ‘Global Education’. This is a very extensive tool, for it covers the cultures and heritages that need to be a part of the goal we strive as teachers to do which s the act of inclusive education. I want my students to understand the importance of…

  • Explorer Classroom Blog Post #3

    I am hoping to become a fifth-grade teacher and I’m currently a psychology major with a concentration in elementary education. So I’m hoping to somehow involve psychology within the classroom so that the student can have a little fun. I want the students to have the ability to understand the psychology behind scientific discoveries or…

  • The World’s Largest Lesson

    The tool that I have selected is The World’s Largest Lesson. The reason I chose this tool is because not only does it include my grade band that I am interested in, but it also seems to be a very informative and extensive tool for educators as well as students. The World’s Largest Lesson is…

  • Discovery Education

    Image Link Here I am a Historical Studies major with a concentration in Education and want to teach grades 9-12. It is important to me that I make history classes as engaging as possible for my students. I want my students to discuss ideas with their classmates and understand the material. For these reasons, I…

  • Educational technology blog post 3

    A tool I was really interested in that was listed was the international children’s digital library. This tools provides free books to children all over the world who are interested in learning about diverse languages and cultures. The digital library can help student’s be more diverse and have better understandings of the world around us.…

  • Where can you find your best Protein?

    Protein is one of the many vital macronutrients needed to meet our daily food intake. For instance, according to Piedmont the article Living Better newsletter stated, protein is vital for the following; building the skeletal muscle, repairing body tissue, oxygenation of red blood cells, nutrients, and regulating hormones. Click the link below to veiw full…

  • Classroom Collaboration

  • Classroom Collaboration

  • Collaboration

    The video is a great example of educational collaboration and how schools are now collaboration in the classroom with he power of two educators. Many advantages are to be seen in this scenario from the simplest fact of two sets of eyes and ears. The ability to have someone joining you allows for a dual…

  • Collaboration in the Classroom

    There is so much importance in students having the opportunity to collaborate within the classroom. It allows them to bounce ideas off one another and understand other people’s perspectives. Students can work together to find the best solutions to problems. Working in groups on projects also allows students to talk to people they don’t normally…