Category: Uncategorized

  • Interactive Smart Boards In The Classroom

    Use of technology in the classroom has been constantly growing in the 21st century as we enter the age of technology. This article focuses on the importance of interactive Smart Boards and their implementation into the classroom. What Is A Smart Board? A Smart Board is a large device (designed after a white board) that…

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Classroom

    Virtual and Augmented reality introduce a new way of learning into classrooms. Students are now able to go all over the world and see or learn in various places without leaving the classroom. One device that provides this access to students is Google Cardboard. Google Cardboard is a far less expensive way to provide your…

  • Using Google Cardboard in the Classroom By:Emily Faragher

    Google Cardboard can be used in classrooms and allow people to be able to collaborate with others. With this virtual reality headset, students could see 360 degree views of videos and pictures. They are not very expensive. The teachers or students could put their phone in the headset and use different virtual reality apps. They…

  • VR in the Classroom

    Virtual Reality is on the rise in today’s world, whether it be used for entertainment, fitness, or even help students in the classroom. Virtual Reality or VR for short, is a way for people to engage in a new realm of digital space, allowing for so many different uses that can be fun and educational…

  • Virtual Reality in the Classroom: Google Cardboard

    Google Cardboard is a virtual reality headset that is used in combination with almost any smartphone in order to give a VR experience. It is a very inexpensive way to experience VR as well. Below is a video showing exactly how Google Cardboard is used. How can this be brought into the classroom? There are…

  • Google Cardboard: Virtual Reality in the Classroom

    Google Cardboard is a way to use virtual reality in the classroom. It looks like a pair of goggles with a slot to put your phone in it to start the virtual reality experience for students. There are different versions of the cardboard to buy as well because of the varying phone sizes that are…

  • Google Cardboard: Using VR in Your Classroom

    What is Google Cardboard? In short, it’s a virtual reality immersive experience using an app. This VR allows you to see a picture or a video with a 365 degree view. How do I use it to connect my students globally? There are so many options to using VR in your classroom, but what can…

  • Using Nearpod in the Classroom

    Nearpod is a technological tool used for students to make any lesson in or out o the classroom, interactive! Nearpod gives the educator or instructor the freedom and independence to create their own lesson plans and have fun with it! Nearpod is free to use and the ads are minimal from my experience trying them…

  • Virtual Reality Tools for Classroom

    I researched the virtual reality tool Google Lit Trips found here As a reader this tool is very exciting. It allows you to travel along with the characters in the story while you are reading.  Along the way you will find discussion starters and links to supplemental information about “real world” references. This is…

  • Nearpod in the Classsroom

    This week I learned all about virtual and augmented reality.  Our focus was how these tools could be used in a classroom setting to make lessons and classrooms better.  One tool that I have learned about is Nearpod.  Nearpod is an online platform that can be used in many ways. One way it can be…