Category: Uncategorized

  • Parasite

    I watched the movie Parasite and they speak Korean throughout the movie. The movie is about two families who come from very different backgrounds. One family is very wealthy, the Park family, while the other family, the Kim family,  lives in poverty. The message behind the movie is conflict between classes. The movie is set…

  • Educational Tech Blog Post 5-Subtitles

    The show that I watched was a Korean zombie show called “All Of Us Are Dead” and the link to the show is this Link. The difference in cultural aspects between the characters and the setting was how they went about their day-to-day lives. I noticed that what they were learning wasn’t as different than…

  • TV Show with English Subtitles

    The show that I watched is, “Wind in the Face” which is a Russian TV Series. One of the cultural aspects of this TV series is the language. The language within this show is Russian. Another cultural aspect of this TV series is its architecture. The buildings are made of stone and brick and they…

  • Subtitles

    This week I watched No Translation Needed by StarMedia Russian TV Series 1 Melodrama. Throughout the entire episode, there were always plants in the neighborhood scenes but city buildings and city life when they went to school and work. It was very similar to the United States with having to travel to a different city…

  • 2019 Animal Testing in the US

    I employ the pie chart to display this set of data simply because, the article and data set diplayed in a table took a little more effort to discript. However, once the data was implemented into the pie chart the information became a lot simpler to comprehend.

  • Most sold Toppings

    The lollipop bar graph is employed to create an opportunity to take a overwhelming traditional bar graph and simplize it’s data. The inforgraphic below exemplifies this by presenting customers topping preferences in the lollipop variation.

  • Communication in the Classroom

    Communication is key, right? We usually associate this advice with personal relationships, but it really is part of the entire world around us. The reading our class did this week from “Sail the 7 Cs with Microsoft Education” was on the second chapter. This chapter focused on communication tools that Microsoft provides and ways that…

  • Using Presenter Coach in the Classroom-By:Emily Faragher

    Presenter Coach gives students the opportunity to really practice their presentation by listening to them speak. This program gives feedback as the person is presenting. Presenter Coach gives tips about the pace that the presenter is speaking at and monitors how many times a person uses filler words. The program warns the individual to use…

  • Am I on mute?

    So often we are in meeting with the cynical thoughts rolling around our heads “couldn’t this be done over email”. Well maybe we have one better. The old school of thought was to gather everyone for these one sided meetings too convey information to all while creating a mode for feedback. However that desired outcome…

  • Using Microsoft Speaker Coach

    Formerly known as Microsoft Presenter Coach, this tool is a great way to assess your strengths and weaknesses in a powerpoint presentation. When finished with your powerpoint presentation the feature Speaker Coach gives you the opportunity to present your project in private to them. They then will provide feedback and give tips on your pace,…