Category: Uncategorized

  • Virtual Tour of London

    I decided to take a virtual tour of London because I have always wanted to go there for a vacation. I figured in the mean time I can just take a virtual tour and get an idea of what I hope to see in person in the future! This virtual tour had really clear images…

  • AirPano

    For my virtual trip, I picked AirPano. AirPano lets you decide what part of the world you want to explore and I chose Mykonos Island in Greece. I was able to see so much of Mykonos Island from above and even from the streets. I ‘virtually’ visited the Panagia Paraportiani Church up close during the…

  • Virtual Field trip to the Smithsonian

    This week I took a virtual field trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. I chose this field trip because I have been to the Smithsonian many times so I felt that this would give me a good idea of the differences between a virtual and real field trip (aside from one being…

  • Virtual Field Trip to the Smithsonian

    In this week’s work, I have taken a trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Well, this was not your typical trip. This was a virtual field trip! You can take a walk through this museum as well with this link. This famous museum was amazing to tour, even just online. Through the link…

  • Virtual Field Trip to The National Zoo

    There are webcams set up that are running 24/7 in several of the animal exhibits at The National Zoo. The animals that can be seen in the web cams are the giant panda, cheetah cubs, naked mole-rats, lions, and elephants. I went through the virtual tour at around 6 o’clock pm and not all the…

  • Virtual Tour of The Museum of Natural History (Genome Exhibit)

    The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, located in Washington, D.C. is home to thousands of exhibits. Because of my interest in Biology, I chose to explore a past exhibit from the museum about genomes. In case you didn’t know, a genome is the complete set of genetic information in an organism. The first stop,…

  • My Virtual Field Trip To The 9/11 Tribute Museum

    By Amanda Connelly For my virtual field trip, I decided to go to The 9/11 Tribute Museum. The 9/11 Tribute Museum is located in New York City, where the Twin Towers were crashed into and knocked down by terrorist on September 11, 2001. The Museum, formerly known as the 9/11 Tribute Center, was created by…

  • September 11 know as 911

    There’s a tribute museum for 911 that lets visitors learn the information about the tragedy event.  The museum has video, artifacts and person-to-person history about what happened and there are people who want to come to the museum to learn more about what happened on that event of 9/11 and what people experience at that…

  • Neave Planetarium/Stellarium

    The virtual field trip that I chose to take was to the Neave planetarium and Stellarium. I chose to take this tour because I’ve only ever been to a planetarium once when I was in elementary school. So I thought it would be cool and interesting to see what you could learn about the different…

  • The San Diego Zoo Live Cams

    By: Alex Sellitsch For this weeks virtual field trip, I decided to pack my bags and fly to San Diego, CA (but not really). I was able to get comfy in my bed without the hassle of traveling, and watch from home the animals that live in the San Diego Zoo. There were a lot…