Category: Uncategorized

  • Virtual Zoo Elephant Camera

    By Adalie Clothier For my virtual field trip, I chose the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institutes webcam, specifically the elephant cam. Elephants have always been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. Being in Galloway, the closest zoo is the Cape May Zoo, and they don’t have elephants there, so…

  • Rare Book Room I was able to take a virtual field trip to the Rare Book Room. I found this experience to be fascinating. Books that were written hundreds of years ago have been photographed and digitized and you can actually look inside and read them. There were several familiar works available by William Shakespeare. There were…

  • Virtual Field Trip, The Secret Annex

    Have you ever wanted to visit a place that you know you may never get to? Or as a teacher, take your class across the world even though you realize that’s impossible? The new phenomenon of virtual field tripping can take you to places you have never been! I chose to take myself on an…

  • 9/11 Tribute Museum

    After taking this virtual field trip, I realized how many people didn’t fully understand what had happened on September 11, 2001. The museum is a non-profit building that explains what had happened on this date, and has pictures and pieces of some things that have been destroyed during the event. This museum is at risk…

  • The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

    For this week’s blog post, I took a virtual tour of the Supreme Court in London.  I visited the 6 different rooms they offered and learned new things in each room.  The first 3 rooms were all courtrooms.  In Court Room 1, I learned that the number of justices in each case varies.  For example,…

  • The Louvre – Virtual Field Trip

    By: Gianna Gras. November 13, 2022 For me, I have always loved art museums and been fascinated by them, however, there are not many great art museums near us. So, I took the opportunity to visit the Louvre through the virtual online tour. I will most likely never be able to experience this in person,…

  • Blog Post 7 – Virtual Field Trip

    Sheila Godfrey Like so many others, I have read The Diary of Anne Frank a few times during my years as a student. While reading, I would imagine what the annex looked liked, and today I was actually able to see the annex on a virtual field trip. The virtual field trip that I chose…

  • Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

    The Smithsonian National Musuem of Natural History was a place I have always wanted to visit and being able to virtually explore it offers a way for me to do something I haven’t had the chance to. One of the first tools I appreciated was the ability to use the map in the top right…

  • The Secret Annex Online: Anne Frank’s Hiding Place Virtual Experience

    Throughout my virtual experience of observing The Secret Annex I learned about the ways Anne and her family alongside the Van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer kept hidden and lived. I began my tour learning about the book case that was built and installed to block off the entry way to the annex. I then…

  • African Bush Elephant Exhibit

    In the virtual field trip to The National Museum of Natural History, we meet Henry who is a historic 11-ton, 13 feet African Bush elephant. In the museum you can see his beautiful coat is polished and refurbished by the workers. In the virtual tour we learn about the evolution of African Bush elephants, their…