Author: cecchine

  • Using Nearpod in the Classroom

    Nearpod is a technological tool used for students to make any lesson in or out o the classroom, interactive! Nearpod gives the educator or instructor the freedom and independence to create their own lesson plans and have fun with it! Nearpod is free to use and the ads are minimal from my experience trying them…

  • Trauma-based Teaching: Making Marks on Mental Health

    Addressing mental health and well-being in the classroom invites warmth and love without even trying. Kids feel welcomed and recognized by creating normalcy around the way they feel and why they feel that way. Each child comes from different backgrounds and are on different mental journeys. As teachers we need to take into consideration the…

  • The Power of Scholastic Tools

    Duolingo has helped me personally in life learning the language and nuance of France. It is an excellent tool to observe, learn, and ultimately identify a new language and foster it in a simplistic yet inclusive way. Although one lacks the acts of human interaction with the new language speaker and real life speaking practice,…

  • Why Hyperdocs?

    Hyperdocs are a way to engage students upon a new unit or lesson you are about to teach. I love hyperdocs. I have created many this semester in my educational science class that represent fun and interesting scientific labs for children to explore, engage themselves with and become comfortable with new topics and ingenuity. The…

  • Bombed City

    First of all, I found this virtual tour heavy and extremely upsetting. It left me with a pit in my stomach. I chose this tour because I was so hurt by the incidents in Ukraine a little while back. My social media pages would be flooded with reels of people screaming in terror and bomb…

  • The Heaviness of Language

    “To Be and To Have” or “Etre et Avoir” is a 2002 French documentary film directed by Nicolas Philibert. It shows multiple grade levels being taught in one house for an entire province. It shows this slower pace and naturalistic attention to detail. It shows the love that the professor has for his students and…

  • Communication in the Classroom:

    Communicating in the classroom has such a positive effect on students and educators. Points throughout lessons are explained thoroughly, leaving kids well informed and understood. A classroom full of young children is filled with the utmost curiosity and excitement. Children need to have direction in the classroom, too. Assigning certain incentives for children to create…

  • Global Education Tool

    Meaning Behind My Tool: I chose the tool of ‘Global Education’. This is a very extensive tool, for it covers the cultures and heritages that need to be a part of the goal we strive as teachers to do which s the act of inclusive education. I want my students to understand the importance of…

  • Using Collaboration in the Classroom!

  • Implementing PhET for STEM Majors

    Forbes Picture & Article Access PhET simulations are used on computers and laptops that are accessible for all. Yet, PhET targets its prime users as women and men of STEM majors. It can be an amazing tool to teach physics, chemistry, math, and sciences of all sort. They are all interactive visual aids that model…