Blog Post 8:Accessibility

Accessibility is important to the point of making sure that every student is able to take part within the classroom. When it comes to accessibility it means making sure that text is easy to read for students who aren’t the strongest readers, providing closed captions and speech-to-text so that ESL learners have the same opportunities as non-ESL learners. Not only that but to keep track of everyone throughout the lesson plan for instance the tools in google slides like the speech-to-text closed captions and the pointer function can help keep students engaged and keep up with everyone else. With that being said it goes for google docs since some students may not speak English you’re able to translate whole pages into whichever language these students may speak. An idea that I had was to create a shared document with the class and since docs have that function as you talk if students miss something all they have to do is go back through the docs it’s like a transcript. The last site that I looked at that had some useful tools was the Stockton website, I plan on teaching the fifth grade so the tools I see being the most useful were the C-Pen reader, Thunder T3, and the Handheld Magnifiers. All these tools would give students with disabilities the equity within the classroom that isn’t always given. The tools I listed can make the classroom quieter for students who may have a hearing disability, the C-Pen could prove beneficial to students who are ESL learners or may not be the best writers, and the last one Handheld Magnifiers can give students with a vision opportunity to be better readers and understand written down instructions and assignments.

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