
HyperDocs are basically interactive multimedia learning tools. While browsing HyperDoc templates I found one that uses Incredibox to create a 5th-grade memory experience project called “End of the Year Song”. Melanie Wilcox is the owner of this HyperDoc template. Incredibox is an addictive animated web app that allows users to create their own music compositions by dragging and dropping sound clips onto cartoon characters who become performers. What 5th-grader wouldn’t fall in love with this tool? The students are instructed to compose music with Incredibox and then write a song about their favorite memories from their 5th-grade school year. The song is supposed to be written in Google Docs and can be a collaborative effort between classmates. Then a video of the completed song is recorded and uploaded to the student’s YouTube channel. Finally, the video is shared through a link on the HypeDoc where students can view and comment on each others work. I think this is an extremely entertaining writing project and is perfect for helping introverted students compose an entertaining ‘performance’ project without anxiety.

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