9/11 Tribute Museum

After taking this virtual field trip, I realized how many people didn’t fully understand what had happened on September 11, 2001. The museum is a non-profit building that explains what had happened on this date, and has pictures and pieces of some things that have been destroyed during the event. This museum is at risk of closing due to financial difficulties from the pandemic. Here is a link that will bring you to a petition that can be signed that will help keep them stay open. More people should know what had happened and if this museum closes future generations will never know what happened and the effect it had on all of America.

This picture is an example of one of the many displays throughout the museum

2 responses to “9/11 Tribute Museum”

  1. The heaviness of 9/11 creates a pit in my stomach each time I read about it or a tribute to the day. I knew many family members and friends that had traumatic experiences and it strikes a chord that falls away from me most days. It haunts Americans each day and it is so important to revisit sometimes to remind ourselves of the heavy and important meaning of 9/11 and to comprehend America’s strength.

  2. It absolutely horrifies me all those who suffered on 9/11 and those who still suffer to this day. I don’t think such a place should ever close. All businesses struggled when the pandemic hit, but this memorial/museum needs to stay open. It is such an important piece of our history and American stories.

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