The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom

For this week’s blog post, I took a virtual tour of the Supreme Court in London.  I visited the 6 different rooms they offered and learned new things in each room.  The first 3 rooms were all courtrooms.  In Court Room 1, I learned that the number of justices in each case varies.  For example, a normal case might only be 5 or 7 people, but a more influential case could have 9 or 11 justices.  No matter what the case is, there will always be an odd number of justices so that there is never a tie.  In Court Room 2, I learned that every court case is filmed and most of the cases are live streamed so that anyone can watch it.  If you can’t watch the live stream, then you can go back and watch it at a later time.  Court Room 3 is where cases and hearings that are international can be addressed.  There are flags of different countries on the Justices’ desk to show which countries use this system. 

Here is a view of the Justices’ Library

The next room is the Justices’ Library and you can see a picture of this above.  This was my favorite room to view.  I could picture myself actually being there and taking in the view that the website provided to us virtually.  In this library, you will find books about legal information.  There are both physical copies and online copies.  The next room was the Lawyer’s Suite.  This is a space that is available to use when the court is not in session.  According to the website, “This room is versatile and can be used for a number of functions such as drinks, receptions, private dinner, conferences, and meetings.  Maybe one day you could have a meeting there.  The last room I visited on this virtual field trip was the lobby.  In the lobby, you are greeted by large stained glass windows.  They create a welcoming environment to walk through before walking into one of the courtrooms.  I enjoyed visiting the Supreme Court on this virtual field trip and I think it would be cool if I got to see some of these rooms in person at some point.  For more information or to take the virtual tour yourself, you can visit the Supreme Court Website here

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