Neave Planetarium/Stellarium

The virtual field trip that I chose to take was to the Neave planetarium and Stellarium. I chose to take this tour because I’ve only ever been to a planetarium once when I was in elementary school. So I thought it would be cool and interesting to see what you could learn about the different stars and new planet information. The tour/website showed how far the planet or star is from the Earth as well as new information about said planets and stars. It’s just really interesting and I’m able to learn a lot more than I already do.

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One response to “Neave Planetarium/Stellarium”

  1. This seems interesting! I have actually never been to a planetarium so I might need to take this tour myself! I like learning about stars and planets so being able to choose one and get more information is fun, interactive, and informational. It gives people the chance to make learning fun and this virtual tour can be used in multiple settings like a science class, at home, the library, wherever! Great job!

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