MODUS Reflection

By Amanda Connelly

For my blog post #5, I watched Episode One of MODUS. MODUS is a Swedish television series about Inger Johanne Vik, a criminal psychologist, whose daughter, Stina, witnessed a murder. When it comes to the similarities and differences of Swedish culture compared to American culture, I have to be honest I didn’t really see any significant differences. Besides the language difference, everything else was pretty similar. The Swedish characters were really no different than American characters you would find on a psychological thriller TV series. Although certain characterizations of the characters stood out, like Stina being autistic and the murderer having OCD, nothing was really culturally different about them. In the show, the character’s drove cars to get around, were celebrating Christmas, and were dealing with personal problems. At least in Episode One, there was also no distinct food the characters ate. I would say at least one difference was the weather since it was very snowy in Sweden on Christmas, whereas in America it is very rare to have snow on Christmas. Although I did not see any major differences, I still thought MODUS was an interesting show that really captured the audiences’ attention with its storyline. Something that I really enjoyed about the show being in Sweden, was getting to see some of Sweden’s amazing architecture and beautiful snowy scenery.

This image shows Stina and her mother Inger from the Swedish show MODUS.

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