Extra: Espanol Episode 1

Here is a link to the first episode of Extra: Espanol

This show is about two friends, Lola and Ana, who live in a flat in Spain. An old pen pal, Sam, moved from America to Spain and moved in with the girls. He is learning Spanish and getting used to the lay of the land in Spain.

One thing I noticed about the cultural aspects of the show is that the flat was pretty compact. It was one bedroom and one bathroom with a kitchenette and small living room area. It seemed like an apartment that anyone would find in any country. The only difference is that in America, people typically call these living spaces “apartments”. In Spain, the overview mentioned that the girls live in a flat. These two words are synonymous, it just depends on where you live with what word you use to describe the place.

I believe the girls walked around the town to travel. Sam traveled by plane from America to Spain. The girls went to go food shopping and they first brought up ham to buy for Sam. They liked to go shopping for magazines, clothes, and other goods locally. The weather seemed relatively nice, whenever the camera went near a window it was sunny outside.

I noticed that in one of the scenes, people got their food at an outdoor market and everything was in baskets or different displays. In America, we do not really see the market setting for buying food. We go to Shoprite, Costco, Walmart, Aldi, and other major stores to go food shopping. We go to the mall for clothes and magazines too. In Spain, there did not seem to be big buildings to go in to buy food, just outdoor markets.

This show was interesting to watch because once Sam got to Spain, the girls were almost pitying him for being from America. It was like “poor American boy” type of vibe because he could not speak Spanish very well. Leading up to the moment of his arrival, Lola and Ana were really excited that someone from America, the land of opportunity, was coming to stay with them in Spain. I’m sure Sam experienced a form of culture shock with learning a new language, coming to stay in a place that is unfamiliar with him, along with many other lifestyle changes. I never really watch shows in a different language so I learned a lot by watching this episode of Extra.

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