Movie with English Subtitles

For my experience I decided to watch a film called “Caché”. I chose this film to watch due to a past professor of mine recommending it. Within the film, the main couple (Anne and Georges) live in Paris and have one child named Pierrot. Throughout the film Georges and Anne receive tapes at their door step by an anonymous person and it later leads to past events of Georges resurfacing. Throughout the film there was a very family oriented viewpoint. In the beginning of the film the family bond felt strong and together however, throughout the film certain events begin to challenge the bond of the family.

Certain differences compared to my culture within the film I noticed include traveling, lifestyle, and history. For example within the film there are many depictions of people commuting using bicycles, within the town I live in this would be very difficult to do. Their lifestyle differs in the way of Georges backstory when he was a child and his family had a family working on their land as farmhands. Lastly, history plays a giant role within this film and the meaning depicted within it, especially the Paris massacre of 1961. Similarities that I noticed to my own culture in this film mainly revolve around what the characters value. Within the film the characters value family the most, this is shown through Georges and Anne’s dedication to protect their family. I too value my family the most and would go to the end of the earth to make sure they’re safe.V

Visuals that caught my eye are that the landscapes and areas shown throughout the film seemed to be more crowded than I am used to. For example the street that Georges and Anne live own have the homes resting right next to one another on a narrow road. This layout is far different than I am used to in the town I live in.

Overall, after watching this film I am able to now have a new outlook on differences between people from where you live. Although there may be differences in multiple ways between you and somebody else you can always find a common ground.

Link to movie trailer Caché

Poster for the movie Caché

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