Educational blog post 5

The show I watched was a Turkish show called “Dolunay.” The setting takes place in a city and the culture seems. to be expressed throughout the whole episode of the show very well. There is a lot of cooking in the beginning and it seems to be about this girl who wants to become a famous chef but lives poorly. I noticed that the main character takes the bus for transportation and it is very uncommon of people to drive. The weather in the show seems warm and comfortable kind of like the seasons we have here in New Jersey. The main character seems to want to work very hard and get out of poverty and that work is very important to her, meanwhile the richer characters could care less about working and want everything handed to them. Some foods that were mentioned in the show were eggs, pie, avocados, and some Turkish foods were mentioned as well. As for politics the only thing I noticed was the richer the character was the meaner they were. The culture represented was not much different than American culture besides some of the food and a few of the values the characters had.

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