Spanish to English

The Show on youtube called:Extra espanol Episode 1 Spanish and English subtitles by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong

What I noticed about the culture aspect of the characters in the setting is they are all friendly and all friends in the show. The similar things about my culture and their culture is having friends  and exercising  and watching TV and also the housing is different. It’s more of a city then  a Countryside. They all live in apartments and they can’t have any guests over where you can have guests over. They travel the same plans  this show was taken in Spain they really didn’t say what food they eat but I thought was interesting is how on the show the lady was exercising on the bike and watching tv and the guy came and was going to give her milk to drink my guessing is they drink milk on the daily which I think is interesting exercising usually drink water. The weather looked beautiful and sunny and it looked like it was hot because of their clothing. They were wearing tank tops and shorts so it had to be warm. I really didn’t show where they go for fun but it looks like they like spending a lot of time in the house and hanging out all together having fun. The land is more of a city area it’s very small complex area tight area very friendly have a lot of friends and the lady in the show had a penpal from America Sam and he wanted to come to Spain because he wanted friends because he was rich in America and he just wanted friends for who he was and nice friends then friends  for his money. 

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