Am I on mute?

So often we are in meeting with the cynical thoughts rolling around our heads “couldn’t this be done over email”. Well maybe we have one better. The old school of thought was to gather everyone for these one sided meetings too convey information to all while creating a mode for feedback. However that desired outcome is not always accomplished. With phone meetings the can be distracting with coughs, barking dogs, or the dreaded sound of a car in traffic. None make an ideal forum. With zoom meetings you have those who refuse to turn or cameras, the distracted multi window folks, non working microphones, and yet again the dreaded sound of traffic. So is the only answer for us to meet in person? No, the answer is Flip, the former school tool for assignments throughout the pandemic may just be the tool we have all been waiting for. Flip is a video discussion and video sharing app, free from Microsoft, built for classrooms and beyond. It allows you to create groups and threads post new ideas and share projects. no need to take boring meeting notes just rewatch the clips and respond at your leisure. This tool promotes engagement and trims the fat of yesterdays meetings see below.


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