Using Microsoft Speaker Coach

Formerly known as Microsoft Presenter Coach, this tool is a great way to assess your strengths and weaknesses in a powerpoint presentation. When finished with your powerpoint presentation the feature Speaker Coach gives you the opportunity to present your project in private to them. They then will provide feedback and give tips on your pace, pitch, informal speech, being overly wordy, and much more. It will also encourage you not to just read off the slide. Speaker Coach will provide you with a report card after you are done presenting and allow you to keep presenting and fix their recommended suggestions. This can be a very valuable tool for anyone who is presenting, but also for those who might be nervous in front of others or have social anxiety. This tool can be a great way to gain that extra boost of confidence in one’s abilities. The website linked above shares more information on the steps to use this as well as a few tips on properly navigating the tool.

Watch this video to learn more about Speaker Coach!

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