Improving Communication with PowerPoint

PowerPoint has been around for several years and people have been using it to make slideshow presentations. I was excited to learn about a tool that could make presentations within PowerPoint better as a communicative tool. Using Presenter Coach, teachers can practice for presentations without having to use a real life audience. I love this feature because I certainly like to be prepared before presenting to a group. Presenter Coach will give you feedback on what needs to be improved. It works by scanning your voice while you are presenting compared to the information in the slides. It can help reduce filler words and with using more inclusive language. I love the fact that it also gives you a progress report that you can look at. This is definitely a tool that I would like to utilize.

One response to “Improving Communication with PowerPoint”

  1. Powerpont is a great tool to employ for various infographics. I was not aware of the additonal features mentioned above. Thank you for that enlightenment.

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