After reading chapter 2 of Sail The 7 C’s, one major subject stood out to me. The reading that stood out the most was about augmentative and alternative communication devices, also known as AAC. These devices are used to help non-communicative or hard of hearing students better communicate with their classmates and teachers. The AAC is also known as a speech-generating device (SGD). Students with Autism or learning disabilities are mostly seen using this device. These students use the tablet every day for every task they need to accomplish. This type of assistive technology can help a student become more independent, expand their communication, and increase their social interactions. Augmentative and alternative communication devices have everything the person using it needs, there is: speech translators, learning cards, schedules, and educational games. Throughout the school day, the students who rely on these devices are excluded from their general education classes and put into special education classes so that they have the highest chances of learning the way that best suits them.