Using Technology to Engage Introverted Students

Many student perspectives are lost due to the fact that not every student participates in class. Some students may be afraid to share their answers or they get anxious about getting an answer wrong in front of their peers, but this does not mean that the student’s ideas should be valued less than those who are willing to speak in class. Educator Stacey Roshan has begun to solve this problem, as you will read in her article titled “How to Use EdTech to Engage Introverted Learners”.

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In summary, Stacey Roshan’s article discusses the use of technology to aide introverted students in the classroom. Using technology in the classroom has created a safe space for all students to share their answers, at any pace and time. Using technology as a way for students to share their responses caters to both extroverted and introverted learners, as well as fast-paced and slower-paced learners. Some of the technological tools that Stacey shares are Pear Deck, and Flipgrid, and from my personal experience, Jamboard is a great technological tool to use as well. Pear Deck and Jamboard allow students to answer questions from their computers in real time, which would be a great tool to use during a lesson. Flipgrid allows students to create video discussions which can be done both in and outside the classroom. Any of these technological tools would be a great way to increase student participation and engagement.

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Using technology in the classroom is beneficial to all students. It creates a safe space for students of all abilities to share their thoughts, answers, questions, and ideas. It increases student confidence, builds trust between the students and teachers, and reinforces student teacher relationships. It would be beneficial for all teachers to use technology in their classrooms.

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