Teaching about Social Justice By: Emily Faragher

In my Web Tools: Global Learning course, I decided to look into a tool called “Learning for Justice“. I believe that it’s really important to teach students about the discrimination that exists in the world and things that they can do to help make a change. This program seems very useful, because it gives teachers the ability to build a learning plan by saving texts on the site and reflecting on how they could incorporate the texts into their classroom schedule. When I become an elementary teacher, I would like to read a new text once a week with the class. The program even has it sectioned off, so that teachers can pick certain texts directed towards the age level that they teach. When looking at the section for grades K-2 (my preferred grade levels), there were so many texts about intersectionality, voting, empathy, and community. These are all important things to be learned.

These are some of the topics that the students can read about.

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