Classroom to Classroom through Technology

Topic:Global School Network

What I found use full about Global School Networking is it opens a lot of opportunities for child to work at their on own pace that they need and get equal education that they need.Also students can make new friends and learn about different cultures , and also it will help expand their education.

How I would use this in my future classroom is by having a project that is due by the end of the school year and every month they would have to give me a update on how it is going .The project would be with a different school in the world and I would choose one or two and email them to see if their also on board with the idea and go through the right steps to do this but I would have my students work together with someone from a different school around the world and come up with their own song and having them have it both languages so they can learn and translate it also with pictures with both of their cultures and then at the end of the year they would present it and having the other student on the computer also and why it will be due at the end of the year because they can stay connect though the whole year and I want them to go at their own pace but not to slow and meet them and talk to them.

Heres an article I though was interesting and got information form , so I would like to share it with everyone .

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