Explorer Classroom Blog Post #3

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I am hoping to become a fifth-grade teacher and I’m currently a psychology major with a concentration in elementary education. So I’m hoping to somehow involve psychology within the classroom so that the student can have a little fun. I want the students to have the ability to understand the psychology behind scientific discoveries or events from history. From what I read about Explorer Classroom, teachers would be giving students the opportunity to connect with scientists and researchers from around the world and learn from them.

With an Explorer Classroom, Visual learners and naturalistic learners could possibly benefit in this type of environment. As a fifth-grade teacher, I’ll be in charge of teaching every subject and I think with the help of this style of classroom it could create a global network for the students to use to learn new interesting facts.

When looking further into the National Geographic website I found that not only can you connect with researchers and scientists. You can get virtual tours, games, and even interactive maps that can be used in a classroom setting. So students can use what they learn in the tours and games to try and solve the puzzles that are contained within the interactive map. To kind of test what they learned since talking to these people. I found a video, that gives a better description of what the interactive map may look like.

While the video is a more in-depth version meant for older students but other than that it’s the same idea as the one made for kids. The interactive map made by National Geographic can help build a student’s creative side be explored while also having more opportunities to explore different parts of the world by learning everything they could possibly want to know about it.

They introduced games and virtual tours that gave students the ability to see the natural habitats of animals. They could have an explorer type of classroom for their science and history subjects. It can create an atmosphere where every student has the chance to learn new things.

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