Collaborating in the Classroom

Promoting collaboration in the classroom is an important way of getting students to interact with each other. A direct instructional approach is beneficial when learning new content, but taking that information and letting students come together and talk about it is important as well. One method to student collaboration is think-pair-share. Teachers can give a topic or question for students to think about for a short amount of time to themselves. Next, students can turn to a partner or small group and answer the given question or talk about their takeaways from the topic. Once they talk to each other, the class can regroup and share what they talked about with their peers. This method of collaboration is a great way for students to shift their thinking from within themselves, to others, and eventually the whole class. It also promotes social skills by allowing students to communicate with each other and build relationships with one another.

Effective Collaboration in Schools - Your Therapy Source
This photo represents the elements of effective collaboration. Teamwork amongst students, exchanging ideas, trusting one another, having the ability to share information, and supporting those in the class.

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