
Communication is a major skill to have in today’s educational world. Without being able to talk to others, not a lot of learning would happen. Remote learning was a major system all schools around the world had to use. If it weren’t for some apps such as; Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc. school would not have happened during the 2019-2020 school year. Having other types of collaboration throughout the classroom could also majorly help the students learn better and attain the information they were taught. One of my favorite types of collaboration is the turn and talk method. A past professor of mine had us do this every class and it majorly helped me get to know my classmates better and understand the assignments we were going over. Being able to listen to colleagues opinions and questions helped me get a better grasp of the information and also helped with my own personal communication skills. Without having that type of collaboration with my classmates, I don’t believe I would have learned and understood as much as I did in that class.

This image illustrates an example of how the method turn and talk works

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