Why Collaboration is Important

Collaborating in class helps students brainstorm ideas and improves the way they work together, but the best part about collaborating with others is that those ideas that you thought were impossible to do by yourself actually come to life with the help of others. Collaboration is important because students can learn from each other and understand the lesson better. Also, students are more likely to volunteer, ask questions, and express themselves. When I was younger and didn’t know how to do something in class or didn’t know what was going on, I was always too embarrassed to ask the teacher, afraid they would think I wasn’t paying attention and afraid to talk in front of twenty to twenty-five other students. So, whenever we worked in small groups, I felt more comfortable asking for help from the other students in my group and learned from them. I think that some teachers don’t let their students collaborate much because the students will team up with their friends and not get their work done. But I think that if the teachers put the students into groups and alternate groups weekly then it could actually benefit all the students. It would increase productivity, better their social skills, and possibly improve their grades.

This is an image of students working together.

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