Collaboration With Microsoft Viva


Collaboration and teamwork have become a necessity in not just the workplace or classroom but in our daily lives. This article explains the importance of Microsoft Viva and how it can “empower and energize” people in the workplace.

What Is Microsoft Viva?

Microsoft Viva is a program centered around the experiences of a hybrid work environment and aims to bring together communications and resources. The entirety of the program is focused around putting people first and not only giving them a voice, but establishing a connection. It also combines many popular applications such as LinkedIn Learning as well as Microsoft Learning in order to bolster a community that learns together and collaborates with one another..

Why is it important?

Microsoft Viva is important because it…

  • Empowers employees, no matter where they are
  • Pushes progression towards group goals and developing a learning culture
  • Enables employees to directly communicate with coworkers and team leaders
  • Offers a clear and concise understanding of assignments and what is required

Viva Goals

Viva Goals is fully integrated into Microsoft Viva and as its name states, this portion of the program is oriented around setting goals and determining outcomes. By clearly laying out objectives flow of work is increased. Due to being directly integrated with both Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Project, Viva Goals allows for automatic project updates. Which is especially useful when working with others and allows for seamless collaboration in groups.

Viva Pulse

Viva Pulse was recently added to Microsoft Viva and functions as a form of communication between employees and team leaders. This allows for any team to gain a voice and demonstrates an effective way for team leaders and managers to determine where attention should be focused.


Overall, Microsoft Viva offers seamless communication between groups, and leaders as well as fosters an environment of learning. Due to the app creating a central hub that contains goals, communication, deadlines, and resources reaching out to others and working together is incredibly simple. Since Microsoft Viva can be used anywhere, location is no issue and collaboration on projects can be done worldwide.

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