Importance Of Collaboration

Collaboration is apart of life. Collaboration can be found in the classroom, when students have to work together on group projects/assignments. Collaboration can be found in many fields of work, when coworkers have to team up to tackle a specific task. Collaboration can also be found in normal everyday life, for example playing on a sports team. What collaboration means is working together to reach/accomplish a certain goal. When it comes to collaborating in the classroom, whether as a student or teacher, there are a few tools online that takes collaboration to a whole new level. For example, Microsoft Teams allows both students and teachers to easily collaborate with other students and/or teachers by creating an environment online where files can be shared and worked on together. There is also Flip, which is a tech platform that allows for students/teachers to communicate through posting videos. Flip also offers GridPals, which allows people to collaborate from all parts of the world. Another way to collaborate globally is through Skype. Skype gives teachers the ability to communicate with other educators all over the world who can offer help/advice. Overall, collaboration skills are very essential and although not everyone likes working in teams, it is important that people know how to work together in order to achieve common goals.

This image shows a group of adults collaborating in order to reach a shared goal.

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