Collaboration: Partnering With Colleagues, Families, and Caregivers to Promote Student Success

The Collaboration article that I found discussed not only what collaboration is, but also why it can be so important and beneficial for everyone. Collaboration can be described as an important tool that people from all over the world can do. Collaboration is very inclusive because it involves everyone. It can create a safe space for those to express and explain to others. The article dicussses how collaboration with everyone is important. From one student to another, and from teachers to families and caregivers as well. Collaboration is good for every student because it can create a way of learning that can be consistent for the children. A place for them to be creative with one another. The article also discusses a bunch of skills that collaboration can promote. A few would include, preparedness, summarizing, delivering and empathizing.

This is an image of students collaborating with one another within a classroom.

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