Optimal Mental Health Cards

After researching and exploring WE.org, I found one particular activity that I would like to include in my future classroom. There are numerous great resources on this website, but I decided to look into the Optimal Mental Health Cards. Throughout the PDF, there are different yet important discussion questions. The discussion questions give students a chance to reflect on their feelings and thoughts.

This is an example of the discussion questions for movement.

After the discussion questions, there is also a “take action” card where there are tips for students to try for each topic.

This is the take-action page for the movement topic.

I would like to include this in my classroom because it will give my students time to reflect on their thoughts about the importance of their mental health. I plan to teach between the 3rd and 6th grades. I feel like these grades are the time when most students start developing their personalities and their mental health starts to get in their heads. Even small activities like this could mean so much to them in the future. They have to learn what all of these different topics have to do with themselves and how they can have a positive mental health. Students can learn these important topics now, so they are prepared for their future.

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