Setting Goals

Students in the classroom should be encouraged to follow their dreams and come up with goals that they want to strive for. As an Educator, it is our responsibility to encourage our students to work for their goals, and do everything in our power to help make their goals become a reality.

Understanding a student’s goal or plan is important in helping them with any roadblocks they may face. Using an activity found, students can work on a plan that they can use to focus on their goals

Goals Activity

This activity requires students to think deeply about a plan that they have, and visualize their plan. Visualizing your goal is a great step in making it a reality, as creating a mental image of your goal means you are reflecting upon the outcome of your plan. This can be a great motivator for students when wanting to complete their goal.

Overall, using activities such as the one above are great ways that as an educator we can help push students into creating a strong attainable goal for themselves that they can achieve!

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