WE Teachers: Bullying Module

By Amanda Connelly

For my blog post, I decided to focus on the Bullying Module offered by WE Teachers. Although the website offered many helpful resources, the resource surrounding bullying stuck out to me the most. Bullying is a huge problem in schools and I feel that schools and teachers must do much more to address the problem.

This image shows the cover of the WE Teachers: Bullying Module PDF.

The Bullying Module is broken down into three sections. The first section revolves around understanding bullying, offers facts and statistics, and also provides definitions. The first section also goes over the different types of bullying. The second section of the module revolves around identifying and taking action against bullying. This section offers advice on what to do depending on who is reporting the bullying. The section also discusses bullying prevention in the classroom, which I think is very important. The third section of the module revolves around activities and worksheets that the students can take part in and/or complete.

This image shows a page from the first section of the Bullying Module.
This image shows a page from the second section of the Bullying Module.
This image shows a page from the third section of the Bullying Module.

As a future educator, I would definitely use the WE Teachers: Bullying Module in my classroom. I have no tolerance for bullying and I want my classroom to be a safe and welcoming environment for all that walk through my door. I really liked that the module provided a section on “Bullying Prevention in the Classroom.” It is really up to the teacher to set a good example for the students and establish a classroom environment that embraces diversity and respect for one another. I also liked that the module included a section on “Staff-on-Staff Bullying” because this type of bullying is a problem as well and creates a hostile working environment. When it comes to my future classroom, I can use the WE Teachers: Bullying Module to help teach my students that bullying is never okay, that it will not be tolerated, and that we must all respect each other.

This image shows a page that explains how teachers should prevent bullying in the classroom as well as not tolerate staff-on-staff bullying.

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