WE Schools

After visiting the WE Virtual Learning Center website, something that stood out to me was WE Schools. As an aspiring teacher, WE Schools stands out to me because it strives to inspire students of all ages to be their best selves with positivity and motivation. WE Schools also aspires to help change the world by different actions and programs that focus on what impacts the world and how we can change it for the better. When students are aspiring to make a change within the world, they are learning different skills such as caring for others, staying strong, and how to solve various different issues along the way.

This is an image of a student striving for change in our world.

The WE Schools program has four different steps. These would include, investigate and learn, action plan, take action, and report and celebrate. WE Schools is a change in not only education, but our world as well. It strives to discuss the issues, build a foundation, come together as a group, care for others, reflect on the conclusions, investigate the change, share with others, take action, and relfect on the outcomes. WE Schools is inspiring and helping over millions of different students, and over thousands of different schools within both the United States and the United Kingdom.

This image explains the different steps within the WE Schools Program.

WE Schools inspires me because it is a positive action for students to be apart of the change within our world. I feel this program would be very useful within my future classroom because it is an inspiration to be better. When students are involved within the WE Schools program, they can not only become empowered to mature into the best version of themselves, but they can also make a change within the world as well. WE Schools can inspire students and help them develop new skills. This would include collaboration, communication, action taking, investigating, confidence and so much more.

This image represents students working together to change our world for the better.

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