Google and its Heyperdocs tools are a great new way to share and create work. These tools are incredible user friendly and focus on the ability for remote collaboration. The tools can include things such as Google Classroom, Google Docs , Google Slide and Google maps. The now what seem to be gold standard for work assignments within public schools is google classroom. This program is changing the way teachers interact and communicate with their students. It always almost immediate access to most information needed in the class, tracks progress offers grades and allows for easy use of issue and receiving work. This is a tool for parents, Students, and teachers alike. Although the one downfall… Snow days will never be the same again. The feature that makes the large majority of these programs so attractive is the ability to assign permission to access or active use. You can create forms that allow people to sign up , or documents that allow for two different schedules or time zones to work together while being very much apart. A lot of these programs may not be as robust as traditional Microsoft software suits but they seem to be ever evolving and they also offer a wide variety of templates and user guides much better than that of the days of the dreaded “CLippy” . Hyperdocs are the way of the future and will most likely continue to shape the landscape for education and business alike.