Interactive Smart Boards In The Classroom


Use of technology in the classroom has been constantly growing in the 21st century as we enter the age of technology. This article focuses on the importance of interactive Smart Boards and their implementation into the classroom.

What Is A Smart Board?

A Smart Board is a large device (designed after a white board) that allows users to interact with it through touch screen, display videos, access the internet, and connect to different online apps. In addition they can also connect to your personal devices whether it be through stream mirroring or wired connection (typically through HDMI).

Why Are Smart Boards Important?

Smart Boards…

  • Highlight content from a lesson
  • Use audio tools to boost engagement
  • Display creative materials
  • Increase student involvement

How Does It Work?

As previously stated Smart Boards have the capability of stream mirroring which essentially displays whatever is on your device whether it be phone, tablet, or laptop to the larger Smart Board screen. Alternatively they can also be connected through a wire (HDMI cable typically) that will display whatever it is connected to. Once connected you can access any online applications you’d like to use directly from the board which will control your device as if you were actively using it.

Global Involvement

Many Smart Boards can be connected to a webcam that allows you to project your entire class to a video call or even record presentations. This allows access to different classrooms around the world as you can experience a different setting in another part of the world without ever moving.


By having the Smart Board in the front of the room students can walk up to select different answers, draw images, or use the board as a presentation tool. By keeping each student involved in participating they’ll be focusing on the topic at hand.

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