Virtual Reality in Schools

Global collaboration will hieghten in schooling with the use of virtual reality. In one of the EdPuzzle videos that we were shown, it explains that virtual reality will eventually allow students experience schooling and any other type of schooling without physically being there. Another augmented reality that was talked about was having the ability to see things in a 3-D manner. In the same video that was mentioned above, throughout the video it explained that medical students would be able to see the inside of a human body and how the organs work by using the virtual headset. Specifically, for K-12 students, virtual reality headsets could help elementary and high school students learn more about work experience and what path they may want to take in the future.

This image is an example of what a virtual reality headset can show in front of students when there is nothing in front of them.

One lesson plan idea that I read and really liked was, from The New York Times newspaper. It explains different sections from the plan of what the students could be looking for and asks some questions that the teachers want to be answered so they know that the students completed the tasks. Another EdPuzzle video that was shown to us this semester is about a teacher who used Skype to connect her students to other students around the world. If students were able to be digitally transported to another region or place, they could learn and remember so much more than if they were to just have a virtual meeting with other students from around the world. For example, younger grade schools bring their students on a lot of field trips that cost money each time they travel. If the school used virtual reality as their substitute for traveling, the students could have an in-person experience of wherever they would have traveled to.

If students were suppose to have a field trip to a museum, they wouldn’t have to leave the school. Instead they could use the headset and experience the museum from the comfort of their classroom.

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